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We understand visiting a church
for the first time can be stressful.

We're here to help you have an amazing experience.

The Bottom line

When you're planning to visit a worship service (Sunday at 11:00am), you don't have to worry about anything, just show up and we will be helpful.  When you come into the Worship Center you'll be greeted by a guest host who will help you and answer any questions you may have.


If you'd like to know the details in advance, keep reading below!


You may also be interested in our location, leadership, and beliefs.

What to expect on your first visit

What are the services like? Each service lasts about 1hr and includes music, Bible teaching, and prayer. The 11:00am service has a full band with contemporary music.


What should I wear? Just wear whatever you would normally wear in public.  Our atmosphere is casual.


Where do I go? There is designated guest parking near the Worship Center. Once you enter there, you will be welcomed by a guest host who will help you. They will get you a "swag" bag that includes helpful info and a gift. Your host will also help with any questions you may have.


What about my children? There is trustworthy care for babies - preschool during our 11am service.  All other ages begin in the Worship Center together. After the music, the 4yr-5th graders are released to go to Kid's Church. This is a worship experience designed specifically for children and they will love it. We also invite parents to keep their children with them during worship if they prefer to do that.  


What's my next step after visiting a worship service?

Get CONNECTED to a small group! We call them Good News Groups and they are the place where you will find real friendship, explore God's word together, care for one another, and impact our world.

Weekly Schedule
9:45am small groups
11:00Am worshp

6:45pm kids/youth programs
7:00pm adult bible study

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19529 E 4th Pl. Tulsa, Ok 74108


(C) 2023 Good News Church
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